Your Name Is Everywhere

Denpasar, Tuesday, June 12nd 2012

How are you, friends? Everything’s okay? I hope so. What can i say? I dont understand. For now, i feel the world is full of your name. I feel the world is screamin’ your name. I see your name everywhere. On the street, in my dreams, my books, my diary, etc. What the hell? Oke, aku pikir Tuhan datang padaku melalui kamu. Ya, kamu yang disana. Weird. Misteri banget deh.

Mungkin dulu, nama dia. Trus, beberapa tahun berikutnya, nama orang itu. Trus, skarang namanya. Haaaa. Aku jadi bingung. HELL!! Tuhan, semoga aku ga bingung lagi. Memang, di dunia ini banyak banget nama. Tapi dari sekian banyak nama itu, aku bisa ngrasa, mana yang klik, mana yang ga. I just feel it. Now, it’s all about your name. Congratulations, Boy!! Hehehe.

Now, it’s about 03.30 pm. Drink : Fanta Strawberry, is ma fave. :). #np : Avril Lavigne’s songs. Then, beberapa tulisan for my new agenda. Sisanya lagi, in my diary of course. Next? Some magazines for another inspirations. Some people for the story. Interesting. Hanging out? Where to go? Those hotel : done. Hahaha.

I Love You,

