I Like It

Denpasar, Tuesday, September 4th 2012

Hi, meet me again here. It’s about 11.35 am, aku uda makan dan mandi. Lalu foto-foto sebentar dan kembali menulis disini. Hahaha. No, i won’t go out, still at home, feel the wind blows. Eeaaaa. Him. Hate him? I don’t know, there’s something about him that …. . Ah, i don’t know. Never mind, just forget him, okay?! Let’s make another story.

I love my room. It just about me. Haha. Me, myself, and i. Only : Me. Hal lain yang aku suka adalah psikologi. Sesuatu tentang manusia. Human. I like my novels, my magazines, my stuffs. And entertainment of course. Music, movie, and fashion. Write too. I like dogs too. I like my name. Hehe.

Kamu tau ga cuaca siang ini gimana? Cerah. I like to see the sun like this. So bright. The sky is blue with the white cloud. Aku juga melihat tanaman itu, hijau, sejuk. Dan anjing itu, Vino. Lucu. Kecil-kecil gitu tapi ga bisa diem lho. And thoseĀ  flowers, so beautiful. Udaranya, aku suka. This feeling, calm. Jika boleh request, apa yang ingin sekali kamu lihat? Kalau aku, aku ingin melihat semua teman-temanku berkumpul kembali. Moment itu sekarang sih jarang banget. Setuju? They have their own business and life. So do i.

Talk to me? Hhmm. People. Aku rasa semua gawat, gawat sampai ke ubun-ubun. Kapan mereka bisa tenang sesaat? Ngopi dulu kan enak. Don’t think. It will help you. Trus, aku dengan gampangnya nyuruh orang jangan mikir. No, they can’t do that. So many things in this world that have to do. So, what i do now? Think and write. Yea, maybe don’t think when sleeping.

I like to move it, move it, (:p),
